What is Hope Day Camp?

Hope Day Camp is a one day camp for Kinder through 12th graders who are grieving the death of someone significant in their lives. We will have age-appropriate activities and conversations for children and adolescents centered around grief and coping.

What can my child expect at Hope Day Camp?

  • After the death of someone, our lives are turned upside down. Each activity will provide the campers with opportunities to brainstorm coping strategies to help them through their grief journeys. The campers will create a special map to help them understand their grief thoughts and feelings, ways they feel connected to the person who died, and what they can do when their grief feels heavy.
  • Campers will meet in groups of children around the same age.
  • Campers will rotate through rooms with activities to help them process their grief, talk about coping skills, remember their loved one, and connect with their peers.
  • Camp is free and Journey will provide snacks, water bottles, and lunch.
  • Caregivers will receive a packet at registration that describes the activities for Camp and strategies to connect with their children.
  • Therapeutic/support animals will join the campers in the afternoon.

Thank You to Our Summer 2024 Hope Day Camp Sponsors and Supporters!

  • Kelli Maldonado
  • The Church on McDermott Road
    • Various Life Groups
    • Hearts and Hands
    • Jan Cates D.O.T.S. Card and Craft Classes
  • Those who generously donated items from our Amazon Wish List!

Hope Day Camp is a one day camp for Kinder through 12th graders who are grieving the death of someone significant in their lives. We will have age-appropriate activities and conversations for children and adolescents centered around grief and coping. Hope Day Camp Summer 2024 is July 20th.