Upcoming Event

Community Closing Ceremony

We invite all families, facilitators, volunteers, past families, donors, and supporters to join us for a Community Closing Ceremony.  We will come together to celebrate the incredible work we've accomplished over the years and honor all our grief journeys. It's been an amazing journey, and we want to honor all the milestones, memories, and partnerships we've built along the way.

Date: Saturday, April 26th

Location: Grace Avenue United Methodist Church in Frisco

More details coming soon.

Click here to RSVP for this eventClick here to make a donation towards the costs associated with this event

Past Events

Our golf tournament is our biggest fundraiser of the year! Participants enjoy a morning round of golf, followed by an awards luncheon and auction.

This event was a fun and unique opportunity to enjoy afternoon tea, play bingo, and win prizes while supporting Journey of Hope.

This is a special remembrance event for the current families we serve to gather at locations in Plano, Frisco, and Dallas to release butterflies in memory of their loved ones.

This is a goodbye to summer event where families came together to enjoy snow cones, crafts, and camaraderie.

We invite families and friends to view artwork made by children and to place a rock at our Remembrance Garden in memory of a loved one.

This is a special service where the community comes together to honor their loved ones who have died. Holiday grief can be challenging. This is why our Candlelight Memorial Service has remained part of our program for nearly two decades.

This event is open to the public.